Chapter 15

Chapter 15 and 16 are two very important chapters. The first free response question on the AP Chemistry test is an equilibrium question usually dealing with the acids and bases. This question alone is worth 10% of your total score. It is very important that you master both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of these two chapters.

Presentation PowerPoint

Equilibrium lecture helps these videos are Youtube videos from a chemistry teacher. He does a great job helping you understand the concepts. There are 9 of them. You must watch them and write one sentence for each section.

Blue Sheet

Big IdeasAnswers 1, 2ab, 2cd, 3


Home work problems- set 1 (15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 27, 29) set 2 (33-40) set 3 (45, 49, 51, 53, 61, 63,67) these are updated.



















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