BEHS Chemistry

A-bombs Home

A PDF copy of the lab book may be printed of by visiting the following link: Abomb lab book


What is Radiation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

ALL notes non powerpoint version


Make Up: A-bombs makeup


Many nuclear radiation tutorials

How stuff works How Nuclear Radiation works

How Stuff works How Nuclear Power Plants work

Stanford Quarks explained, sort of.

Wikipedia All you ever wanted to know about Quarks

Scientists and Discovery Comprehensive coverage of all aspects in this lab book, with a focus on the scientists that made these discoveries. (Awesome site)


Cloud Chamber

Practice Test: A-bomb Practice test

A-bomb practice test online


Contact: Tom Davidson, Box Elder High School 380 So. 600 w. (435-734-4840) Email: