BEHS Chemistry

Introduction: The components that make up acid rain are produced through many everyday process, but mainly as a byproduct of the gasoline engine and electrical generation. In power generation coal is burned and the excess waste is put out the smoke stack. One of these byproducts is elemental sulfur. As sulfur is burned with the coal it combines with oxygen in the air to form sulfur di- and tri-oxide. This is a simple composition reaction:
Once the sulfur has combined with the oxygen the sulfur dioxide is released into the atmosphere through the smoke stacks. This will then blow where ever the wind blows. As the sulfur dioxide goes on its trip it begins to combine with the water in the air. This is a more complicated composition reaction:
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Now we have a problem, acid in the atmosphere. Now sulfur has formed an acid that will be carried in the cloud until the next rain storm. Unfortunately for the area under the storm the acid will fall from the sky gather in the rivers and collect in the reservoirs. This collection of acid rain leads to many environmental and economic problems.

More on Acid Rain MSN Encarta

More on Acid Rain UK acid rain explanation

Map of pH levels in the United states

Demonstration: View the following demonstration. Write your observations in you lab book under the draw the apparatus section.

Questions: Using the above introduction, the demonstration and the web resources to answer the following questions and the questions in your lab book. Turn in your answers with your lab book.

1. In your own words describe the factors that lead to the production of acid

2. Using the map of pH levels link, why do you think that Utah seems to have a relatively neutral pH compared to the east coast.

3. What are some ways to reduce acid rain? Include specific and personal solutions.



Contact: Tom Davidson, Box Elder High School 380 So. 600 w. (435-734-4840) Email: