BEHS Chemistry
Practice Test
 The Amazing World of the Atom Test

Directions:  Number a piece of paper from 1 to 40.  Answer each question, writing your answers on
your paper.  The correct answers to the questions appear at the end of the practice test.

Match the statements on the left with the terms on the right.  Terms may be used more than once

1.  An early scientist who rediscovered the idea that all                              A.  Bohr
     matter is composed of atoms.                                                                   B.  Dalton
2.  Proposed the raisin-bun (plum pudding) model of the atom                     C.  Democritius
3.  Proposed the atom is mostly empty space.                                               D.  Rutherford
4.  Proposed that as electrons change between specific energy levels          E.  Thomson
     they can absorb or release photons of energy.                                          F. Wave Mechanical Model
5.  A Greek philosopher who thought matter was composed of atoms.
6.  Used mathematical equations to predict the probable location of electrons.
7.  Use gold foil to shoot alpha particles at.

Give the properties of the following sub-atomic particles.

Proton Neutron Electron
Location in the atom 8. 12. 16.
Charge of the particle 9 13. 17.
Relative mass of particle 10. 14. 18.
Function the atom 11. 15. 19.

Fill in the Chart.

Element Number of protons in the element Number of electrons in the element Number of neutrons in the element
arsenic 20. 21. 22.
calcium -48 (isotope) 23. 24. 25.
chlorine 26. 27. 28.
lead 29. 30. 31.

Write the Electron Configuration for the following elements.

32. Magnesium
33. Carbon
34. Neon
35. Phosphorus

Calculate the following.

36. How many moles are in 25g of CaCO3?
37. How many atoms are in 1.5 moles of Mg?
38. How many molecules are in 10 g of SiO2?
Answer the following.

39. An element has 6 dots in its electron dot structure and is in period two.  What element is it?
40. What shape of orbitals are being filled in Family II?

 Answers to Questions

1.  B
2.  E
3.  D
4.  A
5. C
6.  E
7.  D
8.  nucleus
9.  positive
10.  1
11.  Gives the atom its physical properties
12.  nucleus
13.  no charge (neutral)
14.  1
15.  they stabilize the nucleus or separate protons
16.  They orbits around the nucleus
17.  negative charge
18.  0
19.  Gives the atom its chemical properties
20.  33
21.  33
22.  42
23.  20
24.  20
25.  28
26.  17
27.  17
28.  18 or 19
29.  82
30.  82
31.  125
32.  1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2
33.  1S2 2S2 2P2
34.  1S2 2S2 2P6
35.  1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P3
36. .25 moles
37.  9.03 X 10 23  atoms
38.  1 X 1023  molecules
39.  oxygen
40.  S or spherical shaped clouds

Contact: Tom Davidson, Box Elder High School 380 So. 600 w. (435-734-4840) Email: