Practice Test

Bonded for Life Test

… or Let's Share Those Electrons

Directions:  Number a piece of paper from 1 to 30.  Answer each question, writing your answers on
your paper.  The correct answers to the questions appear at the end of the practice test.

Match the following items on the left with the word they are defining on the right. (terms are used only once)

1. _____The power of an atoms ability to draw electrons to a. Electronegativiity 

               itself in a bond.                                                                       b. Ionic

2. _____A covalent bond that shares electron evenly                            c. Non-polar Bond

                  between atoms.                                                                        d. Polar Bond

3. _____A bond with positive and negative charges.

The following questions refer to your periodic table paper.

4.The bond with the greatest ionic character would be found when which two 

elements are combined?

a.55 and 9 _______c.1 and 7

b.13 and 6 _______d.4 and 7

5.How many electrons must element 8 gain or lose to get an electron configuration

similar to a noble gas?

a.lose 2 electronsc.gain 2 electrons

b.lose 1 electrond.gain 1 electron

Answer the following questions based on the chemical compound structure given at beginning of each segment.


6.Is the H --- O bond non-polar covalent, polar covalent, metallic, or ionic in nature?

7.Will the substance dissolve in water, hexane, both or neither?

8.Will the substance conduct electricity in its pure form?

9.Will the substance have a relatively high, medium or low melting and boiling point?

Using your periodic table, complete the following by answering with a "yes" or a "no".

10.Would magnesium react with cold water?

11.Would bismuth react with acid?

12.Would Al react with hot water?

Using the periodic table, answer the following:

13.Is element 37 more active or less active than element 47?

14.Is element 4 more active or less active than element 88?

15.Is element 33 more active or less active than element 7?

Using your naming schemata, give the names for the following formulas:

____________ 16. AgC2H3O2

____________ 17. Ba(NO2)2

____________ 18. NI3

____________ 19. NH4CN

____________ 20. Sc(HSO4)3

Using your naming schemata, give the formulas for the following names:

____________ 21. sulfurous acid

____________ 22. ammonium oxalate

____________ 23. copper II phosphate

____________ 24. calcium hydroxide 

____________ 25.lead IV sulfide

Using the information about these elements, give their proper symbol.

Element 1

soft silvery metal

reacts with cold water

forms oxides of M2O

a very active member of family

crimson color flame test

26. symbol _____



1.  a
2.  c
3.  b
4.  a

6.polar covalent

7. water
9.  medium
10.  no
11.  no
12.  no
13.  more active
14.  less active1
15.  less active
16.  silver acetate
17.  barium nitrite
18.  nitrogen triodide
19.  ammonium cyanide
20.  scandium hydrogen sulfate
21.  H2SO3
22.  (NH4)2C2O4
23.  Cu3(PO4)2
24.  Ca(OH)2
25.  PbS2
26. K