BEHS Physics

Use the following links to complete the lab book. Turn in when you are complete.



Notes: BE PATIENT, power point files take a while to download. Only clik on the link once!

All notes: All the notes can be found in this one power point.


Make up assignments: Complete the assignments for the activity you missed.

Crash Test playdough lab: Do the lab at home using either clay of a mushed up starburst candy, or any other semi sticky malleable substance. Record your data in your experimental design box. You need to do four treatments and 3 trials per treatment. The problem we are researching is how adding height to the ramp affects the distance the clay figure travels. Use that statement to fill in your EDB. In addition you will need to research on the web and come up with an answer to the following question, "What are ways besides seatbelts that can help reduce injuries in car accidents?"


Strong arm of the law lab: Read pages 59-62. Answer questions number 1-7 on page 71.


Centimental lab: Do the lab at home, turn in a brief explination of the lab and any conclusions that can be drawn.


Newton Racer lab: Read pages 63-70 answerr questions # 8-18 on pages 71 and 72.










Contact: Tom Davidson, Box Elder High School 380 So. 600 w. (435-734-4840) Email: